

The Positive Meanings of Love We'd like to share some of the positive meanings love has for us Love means that I know the person I love I'm aware of the many sides of the other person — not just the beautiful side but also the limitations, inconsistencies and faults I have an awareness of the other's feelings and thoughts, and I experience something of the core of that person I can penetrate social masks and roles and see the other person on a deeper level Love means that I care about the welfare of the person I love To the extent that it is genuine, my caring is not possessive, nor does it hold the other person back On the contrary, my caring frees both of us If I care about you, I'm concerned about your growth, and I hope you will become all that you can become Consequently, I don't put up obstacles to what you do that enhances you as a person, even though it may result in my discomfort at times Love means having respect for the dignity of the person I love If I love you, I can see you as a separate person, with your own values and thoughts and feelings, and I do not insist that you surrender your identity to match an image of what I expect you to be for me I can allow and encourage you to stand alone and to be who you are, and I avoid treating you as an object or using you primarily to satisfy my own needs Love means having a responsibility toward the person I love If I love you, I respond to most of your major needs as a person This responsibility does not include my doing for you what you are capable of doing for yourself; nor does it mean that I run your life for you It does mean acknowledging that what I am and what I do affects you, so that I am directly involved in your happiness and your suffering A lover does have the capacity to hurt or ignore the loved one, and in this sense we see that love involves an acceptance of some responsibility for the impact my way of being has on you Love means making a commitment to the person I love This commitment does not mean surrendering our total selves to each other; nor does it imply that the relationship is necessarily permanent It does involve a willingness to stay with each other in times of pain, struggle, and despair, as well as in times of calm and enjoyment Love means trusting the person I love If I love you, I trust that you will accept my caring and my love and that you won't deliberately hurt me I trust that you will find me attractive, and that you won't abandon me; I trust the mutual nature of our love If we trust each other, we are willing to be open to each other and reveal our true selves Love can tolerate imperfection In a love relationship there are times when I am bored, times when I may feel like giving up, times of real strain, and times I feel I can't move forward Authentic love does not imply enduring happiness I can stay during rough times, however, because I can remember what we had together in the past, and I can picture what we will have together in our future if we care enough to face our problems and work them through We agree with the idea that love is a spirit that changes life Love is a way of life that is creative and that transforms However, love is not reserved for a perfect world Love is meant for our imperfect world where things go wrong Love is meant to be a spirit that works in painful situations Love is meant to bring meaning into life where nonsense appears to rule In other words, love comes into an imperfect world to make it possible to live Love is open If I love you, I encourage you to reach out and develop other relationships Although our love for each other and our commitment to each other might prohibit certain actions on our parts, we are not totally and exclusively married to each other It is a false love that cements one person to another in such a way that he or she is not given room to grow Love is selfish I can only love you if I genuinely love, value, appreciate, and respect myself If I am empty, then all I can give you is my emptiness If I feel that I'm complete and worthwhile in myself, then I'm able to give to you out of my fullness One of the best ways for me to give you love is by fully enjoying myself with you Love involves seeing the potential within the person we love In my love for another, I view her or him as the person she or he can become, while still accepting who and what the person is now By taking people as they are, we make them worse, but by treating them as if they already were what they ought to be, we help make them better To sum it up, mature love is union under the condition of preserving one's individuality In love, two beings become one and yet remain two 爱的真谛 我们想把我们对爱情的一些积极看法跟大家分享 爱就意味着了解所爱的人能够认识到这个人多个方面——不仅仅是美好的一面,还有他的局限,他的矛盾之处和他的缺点要看到对方的情感、思想,感觉他的内心,要能够透过他在社交场合的表现和他的社会角色而看到他内心的深处 爱就意味着关心所爱之人的幸福事实上,爱不是占有,也不是束缚相反,两人都在爱中得到自由关心一个人就是关心他的成长,希望他可以成为最好的他因此,我不会为他的个人发展设置障碍,即使这样有时使我难受 爱就意味着尊重所爱之人爱一个人,就是将其卸任一个独立的人,有自己的价值观、思想和感情我不会为自己而坚持要他放弃个性变成我所希望的他我能允许,也鼓励他我行我素,成为他自己我不会视他为物,或利用他主要来满足自己的需要 爱就意味着对所爱之人负责爱一个人,就要对他作为独立个体的需求做出回应这种负责并不包括替他做他可以自己做到的事,也不是操纵他的生活这种负责是承认我的所作所为会影响到他,他的欢乐痛苦都与我直接相关相爱者确有伤害或忽略所爱的人的能力从这个意义上说,我们认为,爱就要为自己的行为对对方产生的影响承担某种责任 爱就意味着对所爱之人做出承诺这种承诺并非意味着把自己完全交给对方,也并不是说这一关系必然是天长地久,这种承诺否认在平静愉快时,还是困苦挣扎、失意绝望时,都愿意厮守相伴 爱就意味着信赖所爱之人爱一个人,就要相信他会接受我的关心,接受我的爱,相信他不会故意伤害我;相信他会认为平静愉快有吸引力,相信他不会抛弃我;相信爱是相互的如果我们彼此信赖,我们就愿彼此坦诚相待,敞开心扉 爱能够容忍不完美爱人之间也会有时感到厌倦,有时想放弃,有时感到压力,有时感到无法前进真正的爱并不意味着永远的幸福但是,在困难时期我能坚守,因为我仍记得我们共同度过的日子,我也能想象如果我们愿意面对我们之间的问题、渡过难关、我们将共同拥有什么样的未来我们一致认为爱是一种能改变人生的精神爱是一种生活方式,它具有创造和改变的力量但是爱并不是为完善世界而存在的,爱本来就是我们这个不完美、有缺陷的世界而存在的爱应该是一种能缓解痛苦的精神力量爱应该给我们这无聊的生活带来意义换言之,是爱使我们能够在这不完美的世界上生活下去 爱是包容的爱一个人,就要鼓励他与他人建立联系尽管对彼此的爱与承诺不允许我们有某些行为,这种结合也不是全然排他的两个人密不可分,再无个人发展的余地,这样的爱是不真实、不明智的 爱又是自私的只有真正自爱自重、自赏自尊,才能接受别人如果自己空虚,那么我能给所爱之人的也只是空虚如果认为自己是充实的、出色的,那么我就能以自己的充实为所爱之人增光,给对方以爱的最好方法之一就是与所爱之人一起充分体验自己 爱就要看到所爱之人身上的内在潜力爱一个人,在接受今日的他的同时,还要了看作明天他会成为的人视人静止不变,则令其退步,而视其进步发展、如同他的潜力已经发挥,则助其进步 总而言之,成熟的爱就是在保持个体独立条件下的双方结合在爱情中,两个人变成了一个人同时还保持着两个独立的个体

#英语资源# 导语亲情是世界上最无私最温暖的情感,它陪伴着我们成大,给予我们关爱。以下是 考 网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


 Family affection occurs in every bit of life As long as you pay close attention to everything around you, you will find that family affection is around you and everywhere

 Family affection occurs in every bit of life It's snowy at noon It's still snowy at the door of his school It's still early It's snowy at noon After a while, the school bell rang Grandpa craned his neck and tried to find something in the crowd A lively figure jumped out of the crowd and shouted that Grandpa ran over Grandpa showed a kind smile and took out a cup full of hot water: "good sun!" The little grandson took a gulp of water and said, "Grandpa, you drink too, warm" Grandpa took off his coat and let his grandson put it on They disappeared in the distance talking and laughing

 Family affection occurs in every bit of life On the morning of the school sports meeting, my mother cooked me a rich breakfast and filled me up When I put on my running shoes and opened the door to go, my mother came to me and handed me a bottle of water and said, "take it Drink some water after running Be careful not to fall down during running Make preparations before running and move the bones to run fast" as soon as my mother heard my voice after school at noon, she asked loudly in the kitchen, "are you hungry Here are two steamed stuffed buns How many to eat first and how many to run Are you happy The meal will be ready soon "

 Family affection occurs in every bit of life One night I felt uncomfortable and went to bed early I started to burn in the middle of the night In a daze, I saw my grandmother It was late at night She kept wiping my face with a towel soaked in cold water to cool down After a while, she measured the temperature for me Grandma was beside me like my patron saint The next morning my fever subsided, and grandma slept with her clothes

 Family affection is a cup of hot water in winter Family affection is a warning before going out Family affection is There is true love everywhere in the world As long as you pay attention to it, it will be around you


 Family affection is everywhere Family affection is like a big tree stretching its dense branches, which keeps the temperature of family affection in your heart forever

 Today, Mr Zhou sent us a small white paper Let's write down more than a dozen people who are closest to our lives on the white paper This puzzled our father-in-law and monk Under the teacher's explanation again and again, I wrote it without thinking I think: this may not be too simple I hastily wrote: Mom, Dad, Grandpa, grandma, Grandpa, grandma, aunt

 After everyone stopped writing, teacher Zhou said mysteriously, "draw five out of ten" I think: what's the teacher doing! boring! Then I took the trouble to cross out five

 But then something unexpected happened: the teacher asked us to cross out three of the five relatives, what! You want us to cross out three We all racked our brains and fell into silence

 Row out grandparents No

 Grandpa and grandma didn't worry about me when I was young! I remember when I was in kindergarten, I went to the suburbs with Grandpa Nai to meet the old Chinese medicine On the way back, my body suddenly cramped, my face gradually turned green, and my whole body was sweating cold Grandpa and grandma were as anxious as ants on a hot pot They were sweating through grandma's clothes Grandpa and grandma quickly jumped off the bus and rushed to the hospital They ran to the hospital step by step With a flutter, Grandpa hit the glass door of the hospital

 Cross out your brother no way!

 My brother is my good partner Although he is sometimes very willful and often makes me angry, we quarrel again and again, get angry again and again, and make chickens and dogs restless again and again It has become a common thing Sometimes we don't quarrel, and our hearts are itchy My brother and I have developed deep feelings

 This is no longer a simple multiple-choice question, but a test of family affection Whenever you cross out a relative, it is like pushing the relative into the sea, and a sense of guilt arises spontaneously


 Every feeling in the world is worth cherishing Unknowingly, I felt family affection and friendship I also unknowingly understood that there are many things in the world that will no longer have after they are lost Therefore, we should cherish everything we have in front of us

 I think I'm lucky Although our life is difficult, I'm glad I have a happy and harmonious family My family is a lush family tree My father is dry, my mother is branch, and my sister and I are leaves The bright fruits seem to be their love

 Everyone in our family will use their hearts to water and take care of it Therefore, this family tree in our family is becoming more and more prosperous

 Since my family was in debt, my parents have been working in other places all year round, and I can only visit them during the holidays Dad is the backbone of our family He supports the life of our family He goes to the vegetable market early in the morning and goes out early and returns late every day He is always tired I can't help crying when I beat my father's legs and waist every night

 In that very hot summer, despite her father's opposition, her mother insisted on working in a place too hot to stay As a result, her whole body was covered with prickly heat Whenever I see my mother itching all over, I feel so sad and heartache

 Friendship may fade, vows may be forgotten, but family affection will last forever From primary school to high school, my every little progress is the crystallization of my parents' hard work They have paid so much for me I think I should pay more for them in the future

 I believe that family affection is priceless, and parents' love is priceless Everything they do is to make their children comfortable, happy and warm Now, I must not disappoint my parents who have worked hard all my life Believe me! One day, you will be proud of your daughter Wait! One day

Inorder to attract more customers, advertisers have adopted everypossible stimulative factor in making ads, such as sound, light,colours, cartoon films and human performance For instance, toadvertise a certain food, advertisers will ask an actor or actress tosit at a table and devour the seemingly delicious food while they fimehim or herrast 更多句型: To take … as an example, One example is…, Another example is…, for example 二、做比较 方法:写完一个要点,比较与之相似的;又写完一个要点,再比较与之相反的; 世界上没有同样的指纹,没有相同的树叶,文章亦同,只有通过比较,你才会发现二者的相同点(through parison)和不同点(through contrast)。下面是一些短语: 相似的比较: in parison, likewise, similarly, in the same manner 相反的比较: on the other hand, conversely, whereas, while, instead, nevertheless, in contrast, on the contrary, pared with …, … 这个对 pare and contrast 题型很有用 三、换言之 没话说了,可以换一句话再说,让你的文章在多一些字,或者文邹邹地说,是让读者更充分的理解你的观点。 实际就是重复重复再重复!下面的句子实际上就三个字 I love you! I am enthusiastic about you That is to say, I love you I am wild about you In other words, I have fallen in love with you 或者上面我们举过的例子: I cannot bear it 可以用短语表达:I cannot put up with it 因此可以这样说:I cannot bear it That is to say, I cannot put up with it or I am fed up with it 更多短语: in more difficult language, in simpler 如果觉得好一定要分享。。。独乐乐不如人人乐。。。 Inorder to attract more customers, advertisers have adopted everypossible stimulative factor in making ads, such as sound, light,colours, cartoon films and human performance For instance, toadvertise a certain food, advertisers will ask an actor or actress tosit at a table and devour the seemingly delicious food while they fimehim or herrast 更多句型: To take … as an example, One example is…, Another example is…, for example 二、做比较 方法:写完一个要点,比较与之相似的;又写完一个要点,再比较与之相反的; 世界上没有同样的指纹,没有相同的树叶,文章亦同,只有通过比较,你才会发现二者的相同点(through parison)和不同点(through contrast)。下面是一些短语: 相似的比较: in parison, likewise, similarly, in the same manner As far as I am concerned/In My opinoin就我而言last but not least 最后但不是不重要的frankly /generally speaking一般来说for the sake of出于对什么的考虑first /second/thirdfirstly/secondly/thirdly,这句话分条陈述时特有用,能较好的展现你清晰的观点、逻辑思维。。。。。。。。。。。。作文时要注意条理清晰,特别是第一句和最后一句要给改卷老师眼睛一亮的感觉切忌千万不要犯低级的时态,语法错误,这样无论你其余部分写的多好,档次都会低很多多读一些例文吧,会找到感觉的,Come on!!!~ yet this is not always the case yet this is just the case however,nowadays more and more/different people have different points when they are talking about they argue that some hold the view someothers we should attach more importance to 然而,这并非总是如此。 然而,这仅仅是如此。 然而,如今越来越more /不同的人有不同的点,当他们正在谈论 他们争辩说, 一些人士认为一些 其他 我们应该更加重视 一方面, 另一方面 只有这样,我们才能 我们可以安全地得出这样的结论 正如著名的有句古话 我们应当在深入调查 在一定程度上/在不同程度上 这项工作的关键问题在于 这个问题的答案是2倍 以, on one hand, on the other hand only then can we we may safely e to the conclusion that just as the famous saying goes we should probe it in depth to some extent/to varying degrees the key to this problem lies in the answer to this question is o folds as to , 1 According to a recent survey, four million people die each year from diseases linked to oking 依照最近的一项调查,每年有4,000,000人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。 2 The latest surveys show that quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework 最近的调查显示相当多的孩子对家庭作业没什么好感。 3 No invention has received more praise and abuse than Inter 没有一项发明像互联网一样同时受到如此多的赞扬和批评。 4 People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation 人们似乎忽视了教育不应该随着毕业而结束这一事实。 5 An increasing number of people are beginning to realize that education is not plete with graduation 越来越多的人开始意识到教育不能随着毕业而结束。 6 When it es to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study 说到教育,大部分人认为其是一个终生的学习。 7 Many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a person's physical fitness 许多专家指出体育锻炼直接有助于身体健康。 8 Proper measures must be taken to limit the number of foreign tourists and the great efforts should be made to protect local environment and history from the harmful effects of international touri 应该采取适当的措施限制外国旅游者的数量,努力保护当地环境和历史不受国际旅游业的不利影响。 9 An increasing number of experts believe that migrants will exert positive effects on construction of city However, this opinion is now being questioned by more and more city residents, who plain that the migrants have brought many serious problems like crime and prostitution 越来越多的专家相信移民对城市的建设起到积极作用。然而,越来越多的城市居民却怀疑这种说法,他们抱怨民工给城市带来了许多严重的问题,像犯罪和卖*。 10 Many city residents plain that it is so few buses in their city that they have to spend much more time waiting for a bus, which is usually crowded with a large number of passengers 许多市民抱怨城市的公交车太少,以至于他们要花很长时间等一辆公交车,而车上可能已满载乘客。 Nowadays ,there are more and more XX in some big cities It is estimated that ( 1 ) Why have there been so many XX Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows The first one is that ( 2 ) Besides,( 3 ) The third reason is ( 4 ) To sum up ,the main cause of XX is due to ( 5 ) It is high time that something were done upon it For one thing ,( 6 ) On the other hand ,( 7 ) All these measures will certainly reduce the number of XX









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