以my hometown 为题写一篇关于家乡地理位置历史风俗民情重点景点饮食文化名人古迹的英语作文顺便介绍自己

以my hometown 为题写一篇关于家乡地理位置历史风俗民情重点景点饮食文化名人古迹的英语作文顺便介绍自己,第1张

I spent my last holiday in my hometown To my great surprise, great changes have taken place there Lots of woman have joined a ladies’ club When they are free, they usually chat together and invite some famous people to give them talks In the past, women there had to plant crops in order to help support their families My grandpa has already lived in a tall and bright building He said they lived in a small and dark house before They didn’t have enough food to eat In the past, many cldren have to be cld laborersNow our country has developed rapidly The living conditions in the country have improved a lot Life there is becoming better and better去年我回家乡度假。令我非常惊讶的是,家乡发生了巨大的转变。很多女人都参加了女子俱乐部。在空闲时,他们通常会一起聊天,并邀请一些名人来演讲。在过去,女人一定要参加耕作,以帮助养家。噢 顺便一提 目前我在学的ABC天丅口语的老师和我们说过,如果想学会英语很简单的 必然需要个适宜的研习环境及练习口语对象 最关键就是外教水平 东南亚口音重 一定要找欧美籍,发音纯正才是最好,坚决经常练习口语 1 on 1个性化学习才能有最好的学习成果;学习后同样要复习听取课程录音音频 帮助加强记忆 若真的是无对象可练习的话,最好能上可可或BBC获取课外学习资料学习,多用耳听、眼观、嘴动、脑想,一下子口语会提高起来,学习效益是绝对迅速明显的;我的爷爷已经住在一幢高大明亮的房子里。他说,他们以前住在一间又小又黑的房子,没有足够的食物。以前,许多孩子都要当童工 现在我们国家发展迅速,生活条件改善了很多,在乡村的生活已变得越来越好。

Hello Jim,

I want to tell you something about my hometownmy homeyown is in the eastern of ChinaThere are 9 ten thousand of populations in my hometownWe often eat rice,sometimes we eat noodelsThere are many attactions(有吸引力的事物或人)in my hometownMy hometown is a good place to go away for summer,because my hometown always wind in the summer

By the way,what about your hometown


Li Hua








My hometown is in Shanxi, shanxi is located in north China, east and Hebei, west and Shaanxi, south and Henan borders, north and Inner Mongolia, between 34°34 '-40 °44' north latitude, 110°14 '-114 °33' east longitude, a total area of 156,700 square kilometers


The terrain of Shanxi Province is a parallelogram sloping from northeast to southwest It is a typical mountainous plateau covered by loess The terrain is high in northeast and low in southwest 


The interior of the plateau is undulating, and the valleys are vertical and horizontal, with mountains, hills, platforms and plains, and the mountainous area accounts for 801% of the total area 


Shanxi Province across the Yellow River, haihe river two major water system, the river is a self-produced outflow type of water system Shanxi Province is located in the middle latitude of the inland, a temperate continental monsoon climate


qiantang river bore no grand-looking in the world but the qiantang river tide on august 18th"

the extraordinary surging tide of the qiantang river is a world-renowned

natural wonder caused by the gravitation of the celestial body, the centrifugal

force produced by the rotation of the earth and by the peculiar bottleneck

shape of the hangzhou bay

to the east of zheshan hill on the south bank of qiantang river, there are about

500,000 mu reclaimed-land like a peninsula to keep off the river mouth, so as to

make from the hill to the outside 12th section like a large-sized bottle with a small

mouth it is easy for the tide to come, but difficult to ebb hangzhou bay\'s width

is over 100km, but up to the outside 12th section is narrowed only several kilometers

however, the river east part of the riverbed is sharply raised in this way, it becomes

the riverbed high and water a little as a great quantity from the qiantang river mouth

is reaching, the tide cannot be raised equally due to narrowed-down river area then, it is

forced rear tides pushing front tides while the front tide is not fast enough, thus, one upon

another, forming the most magnificent natural phenomenon in the world

on the 18th day of the

Sanya is located in the southernmost tip of Hainan Island, China's southernmost tropical coastal tourist city, is the best air quality in Chinese cities, the country's oldest region (average life expectancy 80 years) Nickname Lucheng Sanya City, also known as the "Oriental Hawaii", among the four first-tier Chinese tourist city "Sunway Hang Ha," the first, with the island's most beautiful coastal scenery Lingshui County east of Sanya City, Ledong west, north border Baoting County, south of the South China Sea The total land area of 1,91958 square kilometers, the total sea area of 6,000 square kilometers, including the urban planning area of about 37 square kilometers 916 km from east to west, north-south width of 51 kilometers, the resident population of 7419 million, inhabited by the Han, Li, Miao, Hui and other more than 20 nationalities Sanya is the center of the city and the transportation and communication hub in southern Hainan province, is one of the important foreign trade port opening on the gold coast's southernmost China's southeast coast

My hometown in DaLian Sand everywhere there before, very desolate Now there is very beautiful In the middle of the village there is a small river before Middle Creek has a pond with lotus in full bloom, there are many fish enjoy swimming in Planted with almond trees around the village, a tree covered with sweet fruit In front of every house loaded with beautiful flowers Happy people live here



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